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How to Make a Propane Forge

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How to Make a Propane Forge - There is really no limit to the things you can make with a working forge. With the right tools this creation seems pretty easy to make.

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Though forging metal can be a highly dangerous thing and in a SHTF world injuries you could suffer may be life-threatening.

If you are not trained you may want to consider getting proficient today.

That said, you are looking at an amazing way to transform scrap metal into usable materials. There is really no limit to the things you can make with a working forge.

With the right tools, this creation seems pretty easy to make. What you will forge is another story altogether.

If you think this would be a good addition to your SHTF plan I would suggest you begin reading and learning about the practice of forging metal today.

Aluminum is a cheap and easy way to start. You can even use recycled soda and beer cans by forging them into various items.

How to Make a Propane Forge

How to Make a Propane Forge - There is really no limit to the things you can make with a working forge. With the right tools this creation seems pretty easy to make.