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Image Credit: Andres Rodriguez cc 2.0
Are you just starting to can? Are you a seasoned canner?
We all could do with more canning recipes, the site I came across has over 1000 recipes for you to browse and download for free.
There are recipes for sauces, jellies, healthy food, and even puddings.
Canning food is not just for the preppers among us, this is a great way to save a lot of money and become less reliant on the supermarkets.
My grandma was not a prepper, but she canned till the day she died. And one of my favorite canning recipes was my mother’s canned meatballs. Yes, you can can meatballs!
This is a great source and my go-to site for any canning recipes.
If you have any recipes you would like to share with us, please head on over to our Facebook page and leave them there, we always love to hear from our readers.