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6 Everyday Uses for Powdered Milk

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You might be saying to yourself right now, powdered milk… NEVER! I used to say that, now though, I am so glad I am stockpiling it.

I found a great article that goes over 6 ways to use powdered milk, some say dry milk but they are both the same.

6 Everyday Uses for Powdered Milk

In a SHTF situation please try and remember that if you have small children or are a nursing mother, it is important to have even more powdered milk stored as this can be litter ally a lifesaver for a child.

Even if you are not with child or have children, it could help neighbors too. If you liked this post, maybe you will like some of our others, you can check some related articles below or search via categories on the right.

6 Everyday Uses for Powdered Milk

6 Everyday Uses for Powdered Milk - You might be saying to your self right now, powdered milk… NEVER! I used to say that, now though, I am so glad I am stockpiling it. I found a great article that goes over 6 ways to use powdered milk, some say dry milk but they are both the same.