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Winter will be here soon, so it’s time to start thinking about what vegetables you can grow easily in your survival garden that can make it through the harsh weather.
Also, SHTF is not going to care if it’s winter or if you’re hungry, so it’s best to be prepared in any case.
To accomplish a successful winter vegetable garden, you simply need to be able to solve a few simple questions.
Namely, what, where, when, and how. That is, what to plant, where and when to plant it, and how to keep it growing.
There are a number of vegetables that are more resistant to colder temperatures. Some are even enhanced by a bit of frost.
Be prepared as possible for some of the natural challenges you will face by gardening through the winter. You need to be familiar with the regional limitations of where you live and garden.
Winter has always been a good season for a wide array of crops in the southern states.
In the northern tier of the United States, you can grow the same crops if you use a winter-protection device to broaden your garden’s productive season.