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State Archives of Florida/Wolcott
During the Great Depression, unemployment was high, jobs were hard to come by and lots of folks had trouble putting food on the table because their meager budgets were stretched to the limit. Sounds familiar doesn’t it?
With the U.S still recovering from one of the worse depressions since World War II, many people today are looking back at those “hard times” to learn more about how our parents and grandparents were able to manage.
One of the ways folks seemed to get by was because they learned to “make do, or do without.” They learned to make a meal out of whatever was on-hand, even if it meant finding a use for stale bread or wrinkled, old vegetables.
No matter what, nothing went to waste. Necessity was the mother of invention for these creative cooks and they came up with soups, stews and casseroles that used every single morsel of food available to them. Many of their recipes are treasured family favorites that are still enjoyed by us today.