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A Portable Washing Machine That Doesn’t Need Electricity

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Have you ever heard the saying “cleanliness is next to godliness”? Now this can be true even if you live off grid or your power is out for weeks at a time.

A Portable Washing Machine That Doesn't Need Electricity - Clean seven garments without the need for a power outlet, a generator, or even a sunny day to feed a solar panel.

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The Drumi from Yirego is a compact portable washing machine that can clean around six or seven garments without the need for a power outlet, a generator, or even a sunny day to feed a solar panel. It isn’t that expensive either which makes a change with off grid gadgets.

Obviously you aren’t going to get a lot of washing done at once with this… but if you need up to 7 garments washed with no power this is for you.

I think I may buy one for my camping trips. I always get dirty and would love to wash them at the campsite. Now I can.

Pre-order the newest version of the Drumi below:

A Portable Washing Machine That Doesn’t Need Electricity

A Portable Washing Machine That Doesn't Need Electricity — Have you ever heard the saying "cleanliness is next to godliness"? now this can be true even if you live off grid or your power is out for weeks at a time.