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As a huge proponent of health and wellness, I truly appreciate this great article on ancient survival medicine.
Now, when you hear the word medicine, I know you think of something that must be consumed. You think of something you can do to solve a problem.
Much of health and wellness doesn’t involve pills at all. Fitness and nutrition, along with the ancient sweat lodge, are tremendous “medicines” that we have forgotten about.
Today’s version, the sauna, releases heat shock proteins that have tremendous benefits to your system and longevity. There is also much to be said about natural remedies and medicinal herbs.
Another big piece of our overall health is that of our mental state. What is your mental health like? How do you feel about yourself?
Let’s explore a quick daily regimen that can reintegrate these forgotten medicines back into your life.
Morning is a great time to integrate things like hydration and fitness. You can start the day early with plenty of water and a light workout. That gets you off on the right path.
Another thing to consider is a healthy breakfast with things like eggs. Scrambled eggs and jalapenos are incredible and it also gets a vegetable in you first thing. It’s also a great time to take herbal tea and supplement with vitamins
A lot of the time, afternoons are where we make the bulk of our nutrition mistakes. Try and find a place where you can take a nice, healthy lunch and get some balance into your life.
Find a quiet spot to eat, and leave your phone in the office. This is going to help both your body with nutrition and your mind to quiet down and find balance.
In the evening, you are going home, and you really need to focus on disconnecting from work and getting into the things you love in life. Maybe you hit the gym in the evenings and the sauna after.
Another refreshing herbal tea is a great idea before bed. Include some lavender and get yourself some great rest!