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Mice are common household pests. They can cause a variety of problems. From gnawing through electrical wires to spreading disease, mice do it all.
Are you tired of fighting mice in your home? Want to avoid using store-bought traps or harmful poisons?
Then a DIY mouse trap might be just what you need. Not only are homemade humane mouse traps more effective than store-bought ones. They are an environmentally friendly and budget-friendly option.
This article will tell you how to make a homemade mouse trap. You need to use common household items. You most likely already have them on hand.
If you’re a seasoned homemade hobbyist or just looking for an alternative to store-bought traps, this article will tell you everything you need to know to make an easy homemade mouse trap and keep those pesky rodents at bay.
Paper Rat Trap
A paper rat trap is a simple and effective trap designed to catch rats without harming them. It consists of a rectangular piece of cardboard or thick paper.
You need to fold it into a box with the end open. You need to put bait, such as peanut butter or cheese, on the bottom of the box.
When the rat enters it to eat the bait, its body weight causes the box to tilt forward. It is how you lure the rat into the trap.
You can then take the trap outside and release the rat unharmed. It is the best homemade mouse trap. It is an environmentally friendly and inexpensive alternative to traditional rat traps.
Cup Rat Trap

The cup rat trap is a homemade mouse trap. You can make it from a disposable cup and a piece of cardboard.
You put the cup on its side with the open end up. Glue a piece of cardboard to the side of the cup to make a ramp. Put bait, such as cheese, on the bottom of the cup.
The rat will enter the trap to eat the bait. It will climb the ramp and eventually fall into the cup, unable to get out.
Then you can take the trap out. Release the rat into the wild in one piece. This humane trap is a simple and inexpensive solution for catching rats.
Bowl Rat Trap
A rat trap with a bowl is an easy homemade mouse trap. You can make it with a deep bowl and a wooden rod or stick.
Put the wooden rod across the top of the bowl, with one end resting on the rim. Let the other end overhang the inside of the bowl.
Bait, you need to put the dowel on the end hanging over the bowl. The rat will climb up the dowel to eat the bait. It will lose its balance and fall into the bowl, unable to get out.
Then, as usual, you need to release the rat unharmed. A rat trap with a bowl is a humane and inexpensive way to catch rats.
Cable Tie Rat Trap
A cable tie rat trap is a DIY mouse trap that uses cable ties and a plastic bottle to catch rats. You need to cut the bottle in half and turn it upside down.
The top half is a funnel leading to the bottom half, which is a trap. A row of cable ties you need to put through the funnel.
Tie them loosely around the bottle, leaving enough slack so that the ties serve as a one-way door. Place bait, such as peanut butter or cheese, at the bottom of the trap.
The rat will enter the trap to eat the bait. It will push the ties aside, but they will snap back, keeping the rat in the trap.
You can then easily pick up that trap and take it outside, away from the house. The cable tie rat trap is an environmentally friendly and inexpensive solution for catching rats.
Spinner Mouse Trap
A spinner mouse trap is a homemade humane mouse trap. You can make it from a plastic bottle and a piece of wire or twine.
The bottle should be cut in half and turned upside down. As in the last method, the upper half serves as a funnel leading to the lower half.
Attach wire or twine to the top of the bottle. Twist it tightly to create tension. Place your bait in the bottom of the trap.
The tension loosens when the mouse enters the trap to eat the bait. It causes the bottle to spin and lure the mouse into the trap.
You can then take this trap outside and release the mouse unharmed. The mouse spinner trap is a humane and inexpensive solution for catching mice.
Walk-the-Plank Mouse Trap
The Walk-the-Plank mouse trap is a simple and effective homemade mouse trap. It is designed to catch mice without harming them.
It consists of a wooden plank with bait, such as peanut butter or cheese, placed at the end of it. Place a bucket under the plank.
Place the end of the plank against the edge of the bucket. The mouse will step on the board to get to the bait. Then its weight will make the board tilt, and the mouse will fall into the bucket.
You can gently pick up the trap with the mouse and take it outside. This humane trap is an environmentally friendly and inexpensive alternative to traditional mouse traps.
Final Word
There are various best homemade mouse traps. These traps are an environmentally friendly and effective alternative to traditional traps.
After all, traditional traps can be harmful to animals and the environment. Making your traps from improvised means is also a budget-friendly option that can help you save money.
When setting these traps, it is important to make sure you place the bait correctly. Place the traps in places where mice are most likely to be present.
Using these homemade mouse traps, you can effectively deal with the rodent problem while minimizing animal and environmental harm.