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Gardening is a growing thing. If you love gardening and would like to start a gardening and landscaping business, then this may be for you. More people today than ever are interested in these things:
- Gardening
- Landscaping
- Foodscaping
- Agrihood & agrihood communities
- Being your own boss
If that’s you, then you’ll want to consider the possibility of starting a gardening business. If you’re already a landscaper all the better. The way to stay ahead of your competition is to increase your offerings of services.
The way to stay ahead of your competition is to increase your offerings of services.
Opportunities Everywhere
Once you get into the flow of thinking about business, you’ll begin to see opportunities everywhere. The most successful entrepreneurs are those who are always open to seeing opportunity and then act on what’s relevant.
For instance, the landscaper who wants to grow his business will also pay attention to the condition of his customer’s gutters and downspouts. Why? For opportunities to add services by adding value.
Added Value Services
Consider how the average homeowner isn’t in the habit of walking around inspecting their home. If you’re doing their yard and landscape maintenance, then all the more, they’re also not seeing the condition of the exterior of their home and yard the way you are.
Take note of the condition of the home and surroundings. As you note things that need servicing or repair, you’ll be able to make those recommendations to the homeowner.
You can make referral recommendations just as an added value courtesy, and it’s also okay to receive a referral fee for the job from the referred contractor if you have that prior agreement, however it’s best that you let the homeowner know.
Integrity Grows Trust and Boosts Business
When it comes to disclosure of affiliate relationships, you could say that you noticed their gutters needed cleaning and you have an associate who would love that work. Tell them you do receive a referral fee at no charge to them, but you’re informing them of the need as a courtesy and of course they’re welcome to contact whomever they wish for the job.
The homeowner will appreciate your honesty, which will gain your more trust and more business, and most will be glad to not have to figure out who to hire for that. Another option is that you may choose to offer those services yourself, or else add those services to your company’s offerings.
Here’s a list of ideas as examples to launch your own thinking and observational inclinations.
Opportunities forLandscapers to Grow Your Business
- Offer to design, create and maintain an edible landscaping and permaculture garden
- Build or install greenhouses & sheds
- Gutters (offer gutter cleaning)
- Offer window cleaning
- Offer repair and maintenance services inside and out (little old ladies need help with things a simple as light bulbs. To help with that could be for free and you’ll get a fan for life)
There are other higher level services you could offer, such as:
- Pest control services
- HVAC (Heating & air conditioning maintenance services)
There’s no limit to your business opportunities once you get into the opportunity mindset.
Our favorite one of all of those is the concept of offering gardening services helping people to incorporate edible plants into their landscape. There’s something wonderful about growing your own food and helping others get into doing that.
Elevating Landscaping Services with Chick-Friendly Touches
In the realm of landscaping businesses, fostering a chick-friendly environment adds a delightful touch to your services.
Incorporate features like raised flower beds or small nooks with low-growing plants to create safe and cozy spaces for chicks to explore.
Integrate sustainable landscaping practices by selecting plants that provide natural foraging opportunities and shelter, enhancing the overall appeal of your services.
Consider offering clients educational resources to maintain a harmonious landscape that accommodates both the aesthetic and well-being of chicks.
For more ideas and information on the incredible trends in landscape gardening businesses, you’ll enjoy perusing this article.