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Make A Fire Piston For $1

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The fire piston is one of the most amazing survival fire starting device ever conceived! Make this fire piston for a dollar or even if you have to buy the plastic still very cheap to make.

Make A Fire Piston For $1 - This is a must have survival device! If SHTF, gather any natural tinders that you can find in the wilderness and the fire piston has the ability to ignite them using the very air around us.

This fire piston is made out of acrylic and works every time, the bonus about this type of fire piston is you can see the ignition… very cool.

With a single push, the tinder placed at the end of the piston is spontaneously ignited by the heat of compression, instantly becoming a glowing ember with no more effort than lighting a match.

Literally, fire with air…  This is a must-have survival device! If SHTF, gather any natural tinder that you can find in the wilderness and the fire piston has the ability to ignite them using the very air around us.

Watch how to make it here:

[YouTube Video SkWJdWGdgaM]


 click here to see more fire piston info

Make a Mini FIRE PISTON on Lathe - Even if you don't have the ability to machine metal this article may change your mind about what you store in your garage. When you see how quickly and easily this survival tool can be made I have a feeling it will change your tune on metal work.