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If you are looking to transform your land into a food sanctuary, you are going to need to make some changes in your current situation.
Of course, if you already have fruit trees, nuts and gardens this is not for you. However, if you are like most people you are going to be working towards food goals.
One of the best ways to transform a piece of land is to grow fruit trees. These trees offer you food not only for fresh eating but they are also great for canning.
So, fruit trees are going to get you there. They are not the only piece of the puzzle but th3ey can play a large part.
When we are talking about fruit trees we have to have a discussion about pruning. This is the annual practice of trimming fruit trees before they start to bloom so that you can shape the tree and grow larger fruit.
Think about it this way. There are trees that need to be shaped to grow a certain way. Some require a large single trunk while others prefer two to three trunks that are spread out to make that tree. Pruning early on can help you achieve this.
Also, there are only so many nutrients that are available to that tree and that means only so many nutrients that can go around to the fruit that tree will bear.
By pruning that tree you are going to be able to limit the fruit produced and create quality over quantity situation.
Many people prune trees in the winter but it can be done in early spring, as well. If the tree has not started budding or blooming you can get away with some dormant pruning.
However, if it is budding and blooming you should keep your pruning to only 10% of the tree or you could expose it to disease and other problems.