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The world of wild medicine is a big one and you are going to learn about all sorts of plants and trees that can heal you.
One of the ways you can get deceived by the research of wild medicine is by looking for things that are rare and interesting.
What you come to find is that you are sitting on lots of plants that you have walked past all your life.
One such plant is burdock. When you see what burdock is and the leaves and prongs on the bulb of the plant you will quickly recognize this plant. Of course, there is the beautiful purple tops on these plants, as well.
There are three things that make burdock stand out as an incredible medicine and wild edible. We are going to look at those three instances below.
Liver Tonic
If you are concerned with the cleansing of your body or pushing out something nasty burdock has the ability to work as a liver tonic which will purify the blood and body.
Skin Conditions
Aside from being a liver tonic, you can also use a tincture made from burdock to deal with all sorts of skin conditions.
It has been known to work for things like acne. Another skin condition that burdock can help with is eczema.
If you have or know someone who has suffered from eczema you know that you are going to need an answer for that in an austere situation.
Edible Medicine
Aside from the medicinal benefits that come from this plant, it can also be eaten. You need to boil the roots and leaves of the plant and remove the water.
This will take the bitterness out of the plant but after that, you can eat this wild medicine straight up.
The world of wild medicine is very diverse and its also all around you!