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While there are many pieces needed to assemble the evacuation plan and execute it, you are going to need a good bag as one of those pieces.
The bag is going to hold things like important documents, keepsakes and comfort items. It might even be a place for some survival items.
Having the right bag for you is going to make all the difference. A bag that’s too big for you is just cumbersome. A bag that’s too small will not do its job properly.
So we are going to look at a few different types of bags and see if we can offer you something to add to your evacuation program for the next emergency.
3vgear Outlaw Slinger
The evacuation does not require that you take it home with you. In fact, evacuation involves serious sacrifice.
You might lose most of the things you hold dear. A small bag can often carry all of the most important things that you need to survive an evacuation.
You must understand that evacuation means you will dodge a serious bullet or you will come back to a place where you are having to rebuild.
This little sling is enough to handle evacuation for most anyone.
Condor Assault Pack
If you cannot bear the idea of not having a ton of stuff with you while evacuating, you are going to need a nice, big bag.
You will find that the Condor Assault Pack is very big and spacious, as well as efficient in its storage space.
Vertx Commuter Sling
A less tactical-looking bag that might suit an urban evacuation on foot would be this bag by Vertx.
You could really see benefits from the Commuter sling. its a quiet bag in look and sound. There is a lot of great storage space and you will not look like Joe Tactical walking down the street.