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Tips For Building Emergency Food Stocks

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Food is power. Remember that above all. The moment you are out of food in a disaster, you become a prisoner for whoever has the food. That’s real. 

Tips For Building Emergency Food Stocks - Have you been trying to build an emergency food supply, only to turn around and use up all you worked to stock up? It can be incredibly frustration and make you feel like you're failing when that likely isn't the case at all!

In most cases, we are dealing with a benevolent nonprofit or government agency that helps us out with food after a disaster.

However, there could come a time when all that falls apart and we have to live under the harsh rule of darker entities that provide food and medication.

This is a great fear. When kids get hungry, you will do anything to feed them. 

Now is the time to start your food storage stockpile. In fact, if you are just starting, you are already behind the 8-ball. You should have something established. 

We are going to talk about hard assets in food storage but you might also want a starter of 20 items to store NOW! 

Store in Bulk 

While it’s fine to pick up an extra can or box of pastries here and there, we really need to start moving the meter.

Now is the time to look into bulk-purchased foods like rice, beans, cornmeal, dent corn, flour, sugar, salt, oil, and other staples. 

These go a long way and will feed your family over an extended period of time. 

Remember, a family of four is going to need 8,000 calories a day. You have to prepare for that. Start piling food up.

Master What you Store 

Along with storing lots of food, you also need to learn how to cook and prepare that food. This is an essential part of dealing with bulk food storage. 

Your goal should not be to understand how to cook rice but to master it. To know several ways to make delicious dishes with white rice and a few sparse ingredients. Then you are really owning food storage. 

Tips For Building Emergency Food Stocks - Have you been trying to build an emergency food supply, only to turn around and use up all you worked to stock up? It can be incredibly frustration and make you feel like you're failing when that likely isn't the case at all!