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Zero Fuel Solutions for Keeping the Cold at Bay

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The cold months are literally breathing down our necks! Before long, we will be unboxing the sweaters and looking for that one missing glove as the days grow shorter and the air colder.

How To Make Your Own Energy-Saving Thermal Curtains - These can be made with reused and recycled materials and are great if you are looking to save money or if SHTF you need a way to keep your house warm.

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 How long will you hold off turning on the heater or burning that fire? 

No one likes to pay for the fuel to keep a home warm. So how do we keep the cold out without using up our fuel?

Thermal Curtains

We lose over 30% of the heat from our windows. Possibly more. So it makes sense to reduce the percentage of heat lost, right? 

You can easily learn how to make these thermal curtains like the ones in the picture above. Thermal curtains are a cheap and easy way to save energy costs in your home.

They can largely be made with reused and recycled materials. It is great if you are looking to save money or if SHTF you have a way to keep your house warm.

They may not be the prettiest curtains in the world but if you are looking to save cash, who cares?

Stay Active

The most effective means of staying warm is to stay active.

If you are outdoors working or indoors cleaning and cooking, you will notice just how much warmer you are.

It’s a simple way to make things work for you. Use your calories to keep you warm.

Start Some Indoor Projects

To stay active, take up some indoor projects to assure you’re kept busy even when the weather outside is frightful.

Building or painting indoors can be a great way to stay warm when you are left inside and do not want to waste the fuel on a wood stove or turn on the heat pump.

It’s inevitable. The cold is coming but you might be able to stave it off longer if you use these methods. 

Zero Fuel Solutions for Keeping the Cold at Bay pinThe cold months are literally breathing down our necks! Before long we will be unboxing the sweaters and looking for that one missing glove as the days grow shorter and the air colder.