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14 Common Chicken Predators and How to Protect Chickens

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14 Common Chicken Predators and How to Protect Chickens - Other than diseases, predators are the biggest problem of every chicken owner. Being able to protect chickens from these predators can be tricky though.

Other than diseases, predators are the biggest problem for every chicken owner. Being able to protect chickens from these predators can be tricky, though.

If you’re a new chicken owner, you might not notice it yet, but there are many animals out there interested in having a taste of your birds’ meat, and yes, they’re all deadly.

You let one go inside the coop, and at least one of them is gone. The worst part? You wouldn’t know who ate your chicken because, by the time you noticed it, they’d gone.

The worst part? You wouldn’t know who ate your chicken because, by the time you noticed it, they’d gone.

Now, there are 14 common predators that are most likely to eat your chickens. Knowing how each of these predators acts, you’ll know which one ate your chickens and how you can protect them.

14 Common Chicken Predators and How to Protect Your Chickens