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This is about 3 key things to always have with you at all times, not just in your bug out bag. Wherever you go, it goes with you in the same way you always have your wallet and keys when you get into a car.
bug out bags in strategic locations they often overlook the fact that they will likely not be in one of those havens of preparedness when an emergency actually occurs. Large scale preparation is important, but it isn’t the only thing to focus on. It’s equally important to remain in the moment and fully conscious of the fact that it is impossible to prepare for every scenario.” width=”700″ height=”600″>
3 Things to Always Have With You
Discreet Weapon
You need to have some sort of weapon with you no matter where you go. Traditional weapons are simply not allowed in most public places which makes them impractical to include in this list.
However, there are items that can be used for a variety of self-defense purposes. A top-rated tactical pen is one of the items that should absolutely be on the list of possibilities.
The average person is not going to consider a pen as a potential threat. It is permissible in all environments. Additionally, it has the added benefit of being functional and useful on a daily basis. Almost everyone has a need to take notes at some point throughout the day.
Some of these pens are simply made of incredibly durable materials. These can be used on their own as a weapon or to break glass during an emergency.
Others function as a multi-purpose tool with several different components, including a flashlight, hex wrench, serrated edge, and bottle openers.
Obviously, it is ideal to pack as many valuable tools into one item as possible.
In the United States, people are so accustomed to having food readily available. If they are hungry they rarely feel the need to think about where their next meal or snack is coming from. Unless they are actively preparing for an expected natural disaster such as a hurricane or blizzard, most people don’t even keep adequate stores of food in their own homes.
It is even more unusual for someone to keep a source of calories with them at all times. Generally, it isn’t practical unless you happen to have a bag with you on a regular basis.
However, there are ways to ensure food is more accessible should you need it.
The first is to carry a bottle and can opener on your keychain. If the world fell apart within the next five minutes, you’d still have plenty of time to grab some groceries from the closest store before they were wiped clean.
However, if they happened to be in cans you might have trouble opening them if you hadn’t planned ahead.
The next thing you will want to have is fire. A waterproof fire starter can go on your key ring, or you can carry a separate waterproof lighter in your pocket.
It’s easy to keep a water bottle with you most of the time. A nice stainless bottle will help the planet out in between apocalyptic events. Reusable bottles reduce the number of plastic water bottles that end up in the landfill.
Unfortunately, they are too bulky to carry into every situation. This is why it is important to have a backup plan. You can go without food for far longer than water. Not having access to clean water is a significant health hazard.
If you have a way to start a fire for food, it will also serve as one method of sterilizing water. But you should always have a backup.
Water purification tablets can be put into a waterproof container that fits on your keychain. Yes, this means you have a few items on your key ring now but that’s not unusual. As an added bonus, they will be easy to remember and entirely useful.
Even when people truly believe they are fully prepared with stockpiles at home and bug out bags in strategic locations they often overlook the fact that they will likely not be in one of those havens of preparedness when an emergency actually occurs.
Large-scale preparation is important, but it isn’t the only thing to focus on.
It’s equally important to remain in the moment and fully conscious of the fact that it is impossible to prepare for every scenario. By ensuring it is possible to at least maintain an ongoing level of preparedness no matter the time, situation, or circumstances it is far more likely you will have the ability to reach those locations that are more fully prepared for any eventuality.