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Eggs are a common food item, bought in half cartons to cartons packed by the dozen(s).
Necessary for all of your cake baking needs (and plenty of other delicious recipes too), most households carry them and use them on a daily basis.
If you’re the type of person who eats them by the dozen – or just someone who throws them in with the cake batter, you may want to know of some ways that you can preserve them for longer than the typical two weeks they last for.
Eggs are nothing like the canned veggies you buy at the grocery market – their expiration date should be heeded with serious caution as some pretty bad illnesses can be caused by rotten or expired eggs (not to mention – how gross is that?).
With the following alternatives to your eggs going bad quickly, you won’t have to worry about accidentally cracking a bad egg over your frying pan for those fried eggs you were planning to have for breakfast ever again.
Instead, you can enjoy long lasting eggs with very little effort and concerns on your end. Read on, and never stress over an egg mishap again.