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Build A Low Impact Woodland Home For Less Than $5000

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Build A Low Impact Woodland Home For Less Than 5000 fbcover

I love this … Simon Dale is a family man in Wales, the western part of Great Britain. His interest in self-sustainability and an ecological awareness led him to dig out and build his own home—one of the loveliest, warmest, most inviting dwellings you could ever imagine. And it cost him only £3,000, about $4,700 American dollars!

I think I am safe in saying that these types of homes are what everyone dreams of owning. I know I do. This is quite possible now as the cost to build one of these homes is way lower than building a cabin.

This is doable anywhere in the world! Its environmentally friendly and would make a perfect bug out location if you had limited funds to build a cabin or semi permanent residence. Check out his website and see all of his pictures and a few videos in the link below.

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Build A Low Impact Woodland Home For Less Than $5000

Build A Low Impact Woodland Home For Less Than $5000 — This is doable anywhere in the world! Its environmentally friendly and would make a perfect bug out location if you had limited funds to build a cabin or semi permanent residence.

Photo by: bellevue