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Disaster Prevention over Recovery

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What makes a prepper?

There is a list of signs and symptoms, but at the highest level, I think its pretty well established.

A prepper is a person who understands that their government and society have not paid enough attention to disaster prevention.

There are a list of signs and symptoms but at the highest level, I think its pretty well established.

Think about it. If our nation were teaching disaster prevention in school and living disaster readiness, we would struggle to find preppers.

That is because preparation would be built into society. That should truly be the goal. We are like a virus; we want to infect everyone.

Disaster Relief is Unsustainable

We simply cannot go on dolling out 10s of billions each year for disaster relief. Worst of all, we cannot go on not helping people.

Its absurd to dump some 10s of billions into a problem and come up so woefully short! Its not like we walk away from an area and things are all better.

American disaster relief is just not deep enough. Maybe that’s because it shouldn’t be!

Disaster Prevention is Lofty

However, we need some form of answer. What makes sense is a grave appreciation for disaster prevention.

Its an all-seasons, all-ages curriculum that not only helps people prepare for disasters but also grooms the next level of problem solvers.

This is no new idea and has been the way of life in Japan for decades! So we are not doing something impossible, but it will be lofty to get buy in from the American public.

Budget gaps and emergency situations will, however, have an impact on both business and personal lives as time passes.

The only answer will be to pay more attention to these situations. We need to inject ourselves into the disaster relief conversation and start talking, like preppers, about the things we can do before the disaster.

There are a list of signs and symptoms but at the highest level, I think its pretty well established.