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Preparing for a Solar Storm That Would Take Out the Grid

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FEMA is preparing. They are always preparing. That’s what they do. What they do a really bad job of is communication. In this case, they are preparing for a solar storm.

It may not even be their fault entirely. People consume information in many different ways these days. Some get it through social media, while others still have the issue of utilizing the nightly news.

FEMA Is Preparing For A Solar Storm That Would Take Out The Grid - The idea that a sun storm, solar flare, coronal mass ejection has to penetrate our atmosphere to cause a catastrophe is just not the case anymore. If our massive collection of satellites are disrupted it will affect our world in severe and very troubling ways.

When we read articles like this, it’s hard to understand why we have not been alerted by, say, the president on issues of this size. However, it seems more people are paying attention to this sort of thing.

The idea that a solar storm, solar flare, or coronal mass ejection (CME) has to penetrate our atmosphere to cause a catastrophe is just not the case anymore. If our massive collection of satellites is disrupted, it will affect our world in severe and very troubling ways.

Preparing for a Solar Storm

What would you do if you found yourself living off the grid tomorrow?

  • No Lights
  • No Heat or AC
  • Unsafe Tap Water
  • No Electricity
  • Poor Waste Management

Do you have the preps you might need to deal with the above-mentioned situations?

The answer for most is NO! However, if we see a powerful and direct connection from the sun and its powerful CME’s, every aspect of our lives would change. 

The Faraday Cage

You might consider something like a Faraday cage. These are insulated containers that protect electronics from the powerful EMP that could come from the sun or a nuclear weapon. 

These are pretty easy to make and can be a game-changer if you store things like emergency communications or digital information. 

Skills of the 1800s and Before

If FEMA’s fears come to fruition, we will suddenly change from a society that is laden with convenience to one that now depends on lost skills. 

You will have to get your own food, water, security, and basically anything else you want. 

FEMA Is Preparing For A Solar Storm That Would Take Out The Grid - The idea that a sun storm, solar flare, coronal mass ejection has to penetrate our atmosphere to cause a catastrophe is just not the case anymore. If our massive collection of satellites are disrupted it will affect our world in severe and very troubling ways.