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Food Storage: 20 Crops That Keep and How to Store Them

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Knowing where our food comes from gives us confidence in its quality, plus you can save money each year through gardening and food storage efforts. 

There is another benefit, which is the utter convenience of having a self-provisioned home.

20 Crops That Keep and How to Store Them - Food storage is my families top priority it always has been and probably always will be. I feel pretty confident that in 5 years we will be spending minimal on our groceries.

Food storage a top priority, it always has been and probably always will be. 

Which crops can you grow that translate best to canning? If you are going to take canning and preserving seriously it means you should be growing foods that can best. 

There are some things that can up with ease and others that don’t can well at all! The truth is, most things that don’t can well can be pickled and they will can up pretty good too.

One thing you cannot get away with is canning lettuce. It just doesn’t work.

The best you can do is cabbage in the Kimchi style. That’s about as close as you are going to get with a leafy vegetable. 

So what types of crops store best in a can? Here is a list of 20 crops that all store well and can well. 

Garden Planning

For most people, the garden plan happens when we are standing in the soil with seeds in our hands. The fact is, gardening makes a huge difference in how the rest of the year plays out. 

Growing the food you eat means you are going to have more of the same. It doesn’t pay to have a bunch of okra plants if you hate eating okra. You need to focus on more of the same. This also means that you are going to have fewer problems with different types of plants. 

Either that or start down the path of permaculture. That is another interesting thing to consider. You might be able to scratch the traditional garden altogether and go the distance with permaculture. 

20 Crops That Keep and How to Store Them - Food storage is my families top priority it always has been and probably always will be. I feel pretty confident that in 5 years we will be spending minimal on our groceries.