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In today’s world of instant communications via the internet and cell phones, it is easy to forget that radio communications started it all. What most of us don’t realize is the amount of infrastructure on which today’s communications rely.
Behind every cellphone, tablet, and computer are very complex systems. If these systems were ever to fail, be it via hacking, EMP, or even a CME from the sun, they might cease to exist.
The beauty behind HAM, or amateur radio, is that you can effectively communicate worldwide with a very simple setup, as little as a car battery, radio, and antenna. That’s right, two people on different continents can talk with nothing more.
For most prepper’s, the only thing standing in their way of utilizing amateur radio is the test to get licensed. Truth be told, obtaining an amateur radio license isn’t that hard, and the Tin Hat Ranch has put together a plan to get you licensed in a week or less.