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OK, so you want to build something, and you want it to be more permanent than wood. Cement or concrete is what you need, but of course, since the SHTF, you can’t go to your local hardware store and buy a bag of cement.
Do you have a backup plan? As preppers, its so important that we have a set of contingencies for a situation. However, it might seem like something along the lines of cement will just not be an option. That is, until you learn how to make survival cement.
Survival cement has been used throughout history in countless ways. It is simple to make, the ingredients are easy to come by, and it is one of the most durable resources available in a primitive situation.
In fact, in Utah, there are some Anasazi ruins that were many hundreds, if not thousands, of years old and where the survival cement was still intact.
So this way of making solid cement is a very valuable skill to know if you want to get off the grid or have to repair structures if SHTF.
Ingredients for Survival Cement
- Clay-Based Mud
- Dry Grasses Cut around 12 Inches
By adding a bit of water to your clay-based mud, you are going to mix it well. You want it to be thicker than mortar.
Lay out a tarp and place some grass on that tarp. Add some mud to coat the grasses, and then fold the tarp over both.
Use your feed to crush the grasses and the mud together.
After mashing the two items together, you can form them into bricks that can be dried in the sun and air.
Use these bricks as the base to build whatever it is you are considering. Be sure that you have enough resources (grasses and mud) when you make your bricks.