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How to Remove Rust From Your Tools Using Electrolysis

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I think we all own a few tools that have so much rust on them we can’t even use them. I have a load of tools from my granddad that are so rusty, sandpaper, oil and elbow grease didn’t shift any of it.

How to Remove Rust From Your Tools Using Electrolysis - I want to restore the tools back to their glory days and actually start using them because in my own opinion tools were made way better back in the day.

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I want to restore the tools back to their glory days and actually start using them because in my own opinion tools were made way better back in the day.

The tutorial I am sharing with you today shows you how to remove rust from your tools using electrolysis, the chemistry of which I will leave to the article to explain.

Essentially, you create a (safe) current that travels through the solution and flakes off the rust – genius!

How to Remove Rust From Your Tools Using Electrolysis

How to Remove Rust From Your Tools Using Electrolysis - I want to restore the tools back to their glory days and actually start using them because in my own opinion tools were made way better back in the day.