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Building a smokehouse from scratch can be intimidating for those of us that haven’t tackled anything quite like it.
There are a lot of factors to consider-fire safety, sturdiness, and being sure to use materials that will be safe with food.
Luckily, there is plenty of information on Smoking Meat Forums to help with the build. Beginner and experienced smokehouse builders contribute to this forum, so plenty of advice and techniques are at hand.
For a build guide from start to finish, there’s a thread on the forum that was started by a novice smokehouse builder.
The builder knew the general design he wanted, but he posted his progress on Smoking Meat Forums for advice as he went along.
Plenty of contributions from other builders followed, with advice on structure stability, food safety, and how to build a versatile smokehouse.
A particularly helpful tip was how to bird-proof the smokehouse. Bird droppings will definitely ruin some great smoked meat!
Learn How To Build A Smokehouse With This Awesome Tutorial