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There are a lot of hang-ups when it comes to prepping as a beginner. One thing we can all fall victim is overpreparing by focusing too much on one particular aspect. This can happen for a number of reasons. One of the most common is fear.
You see, we get scared of the idea that we might not be prepared for a certain thing and the threat might seem imminent.
Before you know it you have spent $1,000 on silver bullion. It’s a very scary situation. These things happen fast. You can quickly get prepper overload and that is no fun.
One of the worst things that happen to preppers who suffer from over prepping is they abandon it altogether. There is a strange sense that they have been taken advantage of. It’s a very strange thing but one that needs to be understood.
Avoid Over Prepping
To avoid over prepping or prepping overload, you need to take some time with your decisions. You have been sure that you are going making decisions for the right reasons.
If you read 6 articles about the impending economic collapse you should take a day and wait out a purchase or a next move. Let the adrenaline wear off a bit.
However, it’s not easy. As preppers, we all know that something big is coming. It’s going to change the way we live for a long time. We want to be prepared for that. When it comes to waiting for the prospect seems terrifying to many.
There is a good reason be careful about this strange symptom of prepping. Look at prepping as a journey and not a countdown.
You are moving toward the ultimate blend of life and self-sufficiency. If you watch this thing unfold and enjoy it, you will be able to make great decisions about prepping for years to come.