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Many people lament the fact that they feel as though they are on their prepping journey alone. They act as though there is no one to help them along the way and the family is uninterested.
Do you have kids?
If the answer is yes then it’s impossible for them to be uninterested in prepping and survival. You are, more than likely, just introducing them to the wrong aspects or you’re doing it at the wrong times.
The very best way to get help in prepping is from your kids and in creating different types of projects.
DIY with kids goes a long way! So let’s look at several DIY projects that will engage your children and get them thinking about preparedness and maybe even helping you out!
Sun Oven
There are many builds for a DIY sun oven. You can make a model with cardboard and tin foil or you can make one of just metal.
No matter which direction you go, the kids love the idea behind this. They also love testing it out.
Seed Bombs
With some natural clay and small seeds like lettuces, you can create seed bombs.
These are basically a collection of small lettuce or radish seeds that are rolled up in a small clay ball that is about the size of a hazelnut. These are great come growing season and the kids are always looking for a reason to play with clay.
Kids Survival Kit
The big picture is creating a survival kit for your kid.
Now, this can also be your camping kit if you don’t want to go down the survival path. Include things like an emergency whistle and implements that you feel a child of their age and maturity can handle.
Also, allow them to include their own things in a survival kit. Along with this kit, you can also teach them survival skills.
Get creative and you will be surprised who jumps on the preparedness bandwagon.