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Preventing RV Theft – How To Keep Thieves Away From Your RV

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There’s nothing worse than coming back to your RV after enjoying a day out, only to find that someone has stolen all of your things.

Worse yet is finding out that someone has taken off with your entire RV.

RV theft is incredibly common. Even RV storage facilities are known to have been ransacked by criminals who are trying to make money off of your things. These crimes aren’t restricted to a particular time of day and could happen to anyone on the road.

However, you can make sure this doesn’t happen to you.

By understanding why RV theft occurs and learning how you can secure your camper, you can travel across the country without worrying about what will happen to your possessions when you’re away.

Reasons RV Theft Happens

Thieves are constantly looking for easy opportunities.

The more valuable the items they can steal, the more likely they are to make a lot of money. Since RV’s often have less security than most homes, these vehicles make for the perfect target.

Theft is most common when RV owners don’t take the necessary security measures to protect their vehicles. Most RVers don’t bother setting up security camera systems, door alarms, entry sensors, or motion detection because that would be contrary to the whole point of RVing – simplicity.

It’s also understandable that you don’t want to complicate the simple act of entering your own vehicle, but, if it’s easy for you to get in, anyone can pop in and take something they like.

RVs with foundational problems or defects in their machinery are easier to get into. If part of your camper starts to break down, it’s in your best interest to fix it right away to keep the thieves at bay.

Here are the top RV problems that may attract thieves.

  • Lack of vehicle stability
  • Lack of security measures
  • Open opportunity
  • RV parked in a bad place
  • Stress on camper frame
  • Weak camper jacks
  • Too much chassis movement

Protect These Parts of Your RV

Some parts of your camper are easier to break into than others.

Thieves will target these areas, as they tend to be the most vulnerable. Make sure you implement extra security around these parts of your RV.


RV doors are the easiest way to get into a travel trailer.

However, some of the locks that come with your model might not do an excellent job of securing your vehicle.


Most RV windows are sealed into the vehicle.

However, this won’t prevent someone from trying to break a window to get what’s inside. Consider getting windows that are made of a material that’s difficult to break.

Trailer Hitch

Leaving your trailer hitch unprotected is one of the worst things you can do and compromise your RV security.

One of the most common ways RVs are stolen is for someone to simply attach a truck to your trailer and drive off.

Ways You Can Protect Your Camper

Despite the likelihood of someone trying to take your RV, there are plenty of things you can do to prevent them from succeeding.

Here are some steps you can take to make your camper more secure and have some peace of mind about potential malice.

Add More Deadbolts And Locks

Your RV is another type of mobile home, but unfortunately, it doesn’t feature a home security system.

Therefore, you have to make sure the locks on your doors and windows make it difficult to break into your camper.

Consider replacing the lock that comes with your RV and installing several more secure options like deadbolts and sliding locks.

There are also more expensive and less DIY options like replacing the locks with a keyless entry system

This will make entering your vehicle possible only with a passcode that you’d enter on a keypad. With a remote key fob, you’ll be able to control the system from afar, too. 

If you’re not strongly against the use of such gadgets, this might as well be worth it.

Implement A Security System

Just like there is theft deterrent equipment for your home, there are plenty of devices that are designed for RVs as well.

The best RV security systems feature alarm systems, cameras with night vision, and motion-sensor lights or motion detectors that help you catch thieves red-handed during a break-in, or dissuade them from trying altogether.

These systems are compatible with wi-fi and landlines. Therefore, they are able to provide you with professional monitoring options like a video feed that you can watch on your computer, cell phone, or tablet as long as you have a connection.

A simple search on Amazon will lead you to great systems like Reolink and SimpliSafe. They’ll surely make your vehicle more secure, whether it’s in an RV park or in some isolated location.

Keep Valuables On Your Person

Whenever possible, avoid leaving your valuables in your RV when you are not inside.

Keeping them in your RV is an invitation for someone to steal them. If you have your money, cell phone, and other essential items with you, it’s harder for people to take them.

Make Your RV Look Occupied

People are less likely to snoop around your trailer and try to steal something if it looks like someone is inside.

Keep a light on or turn the radio on while you are away to trick people into thinking someone is home.

You can also close the curtains so that no one has the opportunity to evaluate your items.

Secure Your Trailer Hitch And Fifth Wheel Locks

One of the easiest ways to steal an RV is to hook up to an unprotected rig.

However, you don’t have to leave it unprotected. There are some hitch locks you can buy that will prevent anyone who doesn’t have the key from walking away with your home.

These locks go beneath the trailer and wrap around the hitch and make it impossible to connect the fifth wheel.

Park Your Trailer To Make It Difficult To Steal

Convenience is one of the most significant factors in RV theft.

If it’s easy for you to connect, then it’s easy for someone else to hook up and take it away.

Instead of parking your trailer so that you can simply back up, hook up, and go, turn the trailer around, so the hitch is away from the street. This will make it nearly impossible for thieves to run off with your RV, as they don’t have an option to take it away.

Think Like A Burglar

Once you have taken all of the steps listed above, take another look over your RV.

As you are looking at your trailer, ask yourself what a burglar might find tempting.

Look at your trailer as if you wanted to steal something.

Looking at it from this perspective may help you see other vulnerable spots in your RV that someone could take advantage of to steal from you. Once you’ve identified these places, implement whatever changes necessary to make your vehicle look less appealing.

Considering the number of times RV theft happens, you don’t have to simply gamble on the chance that it won’t happen to you.

Take measures to protect your vehicle and invest in good security measures, and you’ll be that much more protected against someone who means you harm.