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Lard is amazing. Let’s just be honest about it. It got a bad rap in the late 80s and early 90’s because many people thought it was the sole purpose of their heart problems.
While the American public ate processed foods and sucked on cigarettes, they wagged their fingers at things like lard, bacon, eggs, and other sources of saturated fat as the sole reason people were blowing valves.
We know better now, don’t we? Lard can be used for all sorts of things and it is such a great ingredient. It imparts such incredible flavor on foods. The process of rendering lard is very simple.
Once you have it jarred up and stockpiled, it is going to last a very long time. No one really knows how long your grandmothers coffee can of lard lasted but it may have outlived her.
Savory Foods
Lard is a great medium for frying and sautéing foods. This product imparts that great flavor but its also a cooking fat that preppers can create themselves if they have access to pork fatback. Most preppers are light on the cooking oil stockpile.
Sweet Foods
Lard really shines when it comes to things like pie crusts and other baked goods. It is also one of the very best ingredients when making biscuits.
There is no better way to store lard than in a glass jar in the fridge.
You will get the most shelf life out of it this way without messing up the flavor. While frozen lard will last longer, it will take on the taste of the freezer over time.
A true SHTF food, lard can help you on all sorts of fronts, and it’s something you should start using and preserving today.
It’s a much better alternative than something like vegetable oil, which is made of all sorts of artificially derived oils.