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On a subject like this, there is an awful lot of conjecture. You find that many people have opinions but very few have factual data to support those opinions.
Of course, either of these would be great rounds to stockpile. I think this article offers some insight that will help you decide. Which weapons you choose is a big deal because you only have the option to carry so many.
The same can be said for rounds. When you are in a well-stocked shelter you have options. But the moment you decide it’s time to bug out things change drastically.
End of the day this is your decision. Let’s look at three things to consider when looking at ammo choice.
How important is power? Is it the only reason you are using your gun? Are you concerned with breaching heavily guarded areas and putting holes in body armor? Or are you looking for a weapon to hunt and deter with?
Hopefully, you are looking for a weapon to deter with. If you are the type of person that is going to be killing and breaking into homes, well, not cool.
The availability of ammo is also important. Can you readily find that caliber, is it cheap and can you store a lot of it? Which is easier and more available?
Most militaries around the world carry the .223. Therefore, they are making a lot of it.
Another big thing to consider is what do the other people you associate with carry?
More important than the caliber you choose is the compatibility you have with people in your group or mag. If you find yourself in a gunfight protecting the perimeter or on security detail, you want to be able to both give and receive ammo.
Be sure you are not the guy with the obscure round or you will be the guy with no ammo.