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Dentists are scary places to visit; even as adults, they cause you pain and can cost a fortune if you don’t have dental insurance.
In modern times, people can really get worked up over dental work. Most of which include a numbing needle that makes all the pain disappear.
What if SHTF and you had no access to a dentist? What if you found yourself in an emergency situation and you had a toothache?
Chances are you would feel so bad your morale would be nonexistent. If you experienced an infection where a tooth needed to be removed, you were going to experience a new level of pain.
Fortunately, there is a quick fix for toothache, which a lot of people have been using to get by until they can go see a dentist to figure out the root cause of the toothache.
Clove Oil
The humble clove might be something you are used to seeing stud a ham on the holidays. There is no way that you would ever imagine clove being such a powerful impactor of your teeth and tooth pain.
Of course, the clove will work much better if you have essential oil. Pure clove essential oil is a more concentrated form and has tremendous benefits.
Antibacterial, antioxidant, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties abound in this essential oil. It’s a must-have for tooth pain and the like.
Majestic Pure Clove Essential Oil- Pure and Natural, Therapeutic Grade Clove Oil – 4 Ounces
Dental Preparedness
You cannot sleep on dental preparedness. In an SHTF situation, a tooth infection can kill you, and it will not be a good way to go.
Your face will balloon up and the pain will be excruciating. If you study what dentistry was like in the 18th century, you will cringe.
That could come back in a hurry. Now is the time to get teeth issues taken care of and to put away tools that can help your teeth stay healthy.