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Don’t Fly Without These 20 TSA-Approved Items in Your Prepper’s Carry-on Bag

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Hitting the airport is always a situation that creates some anxiety.

For the average person there are concerns about things like missing your flight, TSA frisking and accusations, something terrible happening during the flight. 

Don’t Fly Without These 20 TSA-Approved Items in Your Prepper’s Carry-on Bag - Anyone who has ever watched the hit series Lost has probably thought about how you'd survive if your plane crashed and you only had limited supplies and tools on hand. As preppers, we're all about the gear.

If you are a prepper you are worried about all of that plus you are also thinking about surviving a plan crash on a mountain, landing at your destination moments before a collapse or getting back home during a SHTF scenario. All of this plays in the mind of a prepper. 

With the advent of the TSA things got a lot stricter on flights. Suddenly, we had to consider each and every pointy and gelled item in our bags.

It makes things tough on preppers. Here is a list of 20 items that you can carry on the airplane that the TSA have approved. 

  1. Scissors
  2. First Aid Kit
  3. 550 Cord
  4. Water Purification Tabs
  5. Water Filter
  6. Empty Water Bottle
  7. Disposable Lighter
  8. Ferro Rod 
  9. Cash
  10. Silver Coins
  11. N95 Masks
  12. Hand Sanitizer 
  13. Bleach Wipes
  14. SAS Survival Guide
  15. Preppers Survival Navigation
  16. Compass
  17. Sunblock
  18. Space Blanket
  19. Flashlight
  20. Bug Spray

Let’s be honest, no matter what you bring on a plane you are going to be terrified of the things that could go wrong. If you are a prepper you know that there is no magic list of items to bring that could make a trip bulletproof.

You have developed a base of operations that allows you to address the very worst disasters. All your comms, food, and weapons are at that home. In a true SHTF scenario you are going to want to be there and no matter what TSA allows, they will never fill that hole. 

However, life is good and things are great! So go forth and enjoy some of that, too! Don’t blow your next trip or vacation because you are too scared to enjoy your life. 

Don’t Fly Without These 20 TSA-Approved Items in Your Prepper’s Carry-on Bag - Anyone who has ever watched the hit series Lost has probably thought about how you'd survive if your plane crashed and you only had limited supplies and tools on hand. As preppers, we're all about the gear.