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Best Prepping for Your Garage: Optimize Your Space

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Your garage is a great space to start thinking about your prepping efforts. Any space is just too valuable to be wasted, a good prepper knows that.

But have you ever thought that you could be making smarter use of space to make room for more supplies? What about the fact that it could be wasting priceless energy?

Or that your garage could be a liability if your garage door isn’t secure and an intruder could break in at any moment?

Best Prepping for Your Garage - Being a prepper is hard work, but with what’s happening in the world today, you’ll want to be prepared if something drastic happens. Your garage is a great survival space, if not just for storage, and it falls upon you to get it ready for anything at any time. If you’re just starting out prepping, the above information can help, but there is still a long way to go. But, the garage is a great place to start!

Your garage could prove to be your downfall if it isn’t prepped correctly. Even if it’s only the difference of having another box of medical supplies, you can’t be prepared enough.

So, how can you use your garage as a survival space? Check down below for some ways you can prep your garage for any survival scenario.

Optimize Your Storage Space

Every inch counts, and you’ll want to use every one of them in your garage for storage. Prepping 101 includes the storage of food, water, medical supplies, etc.

Failing prepping 101 in a real life scenario could mean death because you didn’t use your space for maximum storage.

Being prepared for anything means having everything you’ll need in any circumstances, and almost every circumstance requires the storage of survival goods.

If you’re looking for more space, look up. Why sprawl everything out on the floor when the ceiling is a perfectly good space for extra storage?

Storage experts Life Storage suggest that “sturdy ceiling-mounted storage units can even hold up to 600 pounds.

These range anywhere from $20 to $500, depending how much storage and strength you’re looking for.” This is a fairly inexpensive way to increase your storage and valuable supplies.

Imagine what you could do with all the extra space — every tote and/or crate increases your preparedness and chances of survival. This is a project that you can take on yourself, so calculate some measurements, grab some storage bins, and get to work.

Energy Efficiency

Your everyday usage of energy should be always minimized, but a little bit of occasional energy waste likely won’t affect you in the long run..

However, wasting energy in a survival scenario certainly will cost you. Loss of energy means loss of light and heat — two things that could mean life or death in certain circumstances.

Learning how you can improve the energy efficiency in your garage is crucial, especially if you’ll be considering it a living space.

Insulating your garage keeps it from becoming subject to whatever weather is happening outside of it. Insulating your garage is essential for the climate control of your potential living space.

If not, get ready for some extremely uncomfortable living for you and your family. If it’s a weather crisis, maintaining some sort of tolerable temperature in your garage will be vital.

Securing Framework

You aren’t prepared if your garage could be blown down by a mild wind. Okay, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but in a survival scenario, your garage needs to be able to stand up to anything.

Reinforce the framing (especially the roof), make sure windows are secure, reinforce the front and back doors, and make sure you secure your garage door.

No prepper wants to put all their time, money, and energy into meticulously organizing their house.

All those dollars and man hours spent to maximize space and conserve energy would be for nothing only to have an intruder be able to force their way through the garage door, or have it blown away by severe weather.

You owe it to yourself and your family to not only reinforce your garage but your survival space in general.

Being a prepper is hard work, but with what’s happening in the world today, you’ll want to be prepared if something drastic happens.

Your garage is a great survival space, if not just for storage, and it falls upon you to get it ready for anything at any time.

If you’re just starting out prepping, the above information can help, but there is still a long way to go. But, the garage is a great place to start!

Best Prepping for Your Garage - Being a prepper is hard work, but with what’s happening in the world today, you’ll want to be prepared if something drastic happens. Your garage is a great survival space, if not just for storage, and it falls upon you to get it ready for anything at any time. If you’re just starting out prepping, the above information can help, but there is still a long way to go. But, the garage is a great place to start!