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The best states to bugout is a great list of important information for anyone devising a real bugout plan.
You know, a real bugout plan hinges on a few things. The first of which is the idea of where you are going! Where on earth do you go and it has to be a better option than your home, at the time.

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Most people buy a bag first. The bug out process comes much later. That is mistake number one.
Before you buy anything you need to understand where you are going. What is your bugout location or locations! Let’s look at some states that are great to bug out to.
Yea, it’s cold but we can prepare for cold. You can update gear and conquer the cold with things like fire and high-quality shelter.
Do you know what Alaska also has? Plenty of wild foods, game, fish and more fresh water than you could ever drink!
Ohio is the Amish capital of the nation. Lots of self-sustaining people. There. Good deer populations as well and pretty close to Canada if you decide its time to escape to Canada.
Colorado has pretty great weather for the most part. Lots of wilderness because of the Rockies and big open spaces.
Its a great state for gun owners and means that you are going to be able to both live and bugout in an area like this. So grab your bug out bag and consider which state is best for you.
For fun, we should also mention that Florida is probably on the bottom of the list of spots to bug out because of population density and environment. No one wants to wake up to a gator outside their tent! Or worse yet, under their hammock.