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Free DIY Full Plans for a Cottage Wood Cabin

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The cities will be shocking.  When the walls come crumbling down we are going to see shocking things in overpopulated cityscapes across the nation. 

Free DIY Full Plans For A Cottage Wood Cabin - The plans are completely free and the website even has other links to other free projects on there too. I personally LOVE this style cabin and may just have to build one.

This is why the bugout is such an important piece of the prepper mythos. There are no guesses, there are no miracles when it comes to city life during a serious collapse. It will be terror and it will be like nothing the world has ever seen. 

You have probably already decided that your family will not be part of this and you will bugout. 

Building your Bug Out Location

The best version of the bugout is one that involves a built location, a building, for you and your family to live in. This changes a lot.

It makes your life, during the bugout, something worth living. Bugging out into the woods with a tent might be a short term solution but it will not be great in the long term. 

You are going to need these free wood cabin plans if you are going to build your own little BOL. Of course, you are also going to need some land to put that location on.

Is Value Worth the Value?

When it comes to building your own cabin in the woods, its gonna be tough. Its gonna cost money but you will likely save some. It’s gonna take longer and for many, the idea of just hiring people seems better. 

Building homes today is different than it used to be. If you were to build a home in the woods it would likely only be affordable if you used modern timelines and methods. This would mean value but it would also mean a home that is not designed to last the way a wood cabin does.

This off grid cabin might be the very best thing for your bug out plans. It could change everything that you are going to do with your family in a disaster.

Free DIY Full Plans For A Cottage Wood Cabin - The plans are completely free and the website even has other links to other free projects on there too. I personally LOVE this style cabin and may just have to build one.