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Disasters and emergencies come in all shapes and sizes. Most of the time we talk about the things that hit hardest.
Or we talk about the things that might hit even harder! Woven into the society are low level personal disasters that splinter off and create damage all over our culture.
One such disaster is the mass of student loan debt. There are a number of reasons this debt is literally killing people.
Most of all, it never goes away and society has told everyone that they need a degree. We sent a whole generation willingly walking into a Buzzsaw from which only some could come out unscathed.
What are the residual effects of overwhelming student debt?
Class Warfare
There is a virus of animus towards the wealthy in this nation that is only a few clicks south of being the communist China.
This class warfare is a disaster just like a hurricane only the effects are spread out over a nation rather than isolated. Its a very ugly scene and looks only to get uglier.
Civil Unrest
A spinoff of the civil unrest has become something even worse than the class warfare. Its the civil unrest that is peppered with issues from the right, left, feminists, socialists, communists, racists and everything in between. Its creating a sort of anarchist civil war.
At the bottom of unrelenting student debt and the inability to get a job to pay it off and pay for everything else in life, you find suicide. Now if you don’t understand what a disaster suicide is, well, you have never experienced it.
So when you think about student loan debt and do not understand why its a serious disaster, just consider what was mentioned here. While it might not look like a bad deal each month in the mail, its affecting our culture in a very negative way.