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A Guide to Veterinary Drugs for Human Consumption

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In times of uncertainty, we humans like to stockpile and hoard.  We seek information that will keep us safe and provide for our well-being. 

A Guide to Veterinary Drugs for Human Consumption — In times of uncertainty, we humans like to stockpile and hoard. We seek information that will keep us safe and provide for our well-being. It’s not a big secret that veterinary antibiotics and drugs do not require a prescription.

It’s not a big secret that veterinary antibiotics and drugs do not require a prescription. I personally have the fish-MOX stockpiled.

I know a few of my friends have even looked into this now. I hope this article can help you out too.

Drugs such as Fish-MOX clearly state on their label, “For Aquarium and Fish Use Only.”  But are they truly only for fish? 

Are these antibiotics any different than what my pharmacist gives me? – Read my disclaimer before reading the full article below:

A Guide to Veterinary Drugs for Human Consumption

A Guide to Veterinary Drugs for Human Consumption — In times of uncertainty, we humans like to stockpile and hoard. We seek information that will keep us safe and provide for our well-being. It’s not a big secret that veterinary antibiotics and drugs do not require a prescription.

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