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I hear more and more people talking about banana liqueurs they have had and how tasty they are. At some point, I would like to do a banana rum.

Since I have more experience infusing bourbon, and I really think of bourbon as a fool-proof spirit base for infusions (ok, I’m sure someone will tell me otherwise).
So, with a small leap of faith, we embarked on banana bourbon. Easy to make, delicious to drink and awesome to look at.
This DIY liqueur will be a great project for gifts and barter. Check out how to make this and let us know if you do over on our Facebook page.
Please note: It is illegal to distill drinking alcohol in many countries, including the US. According to the TTB, US Federal law strictly prohibits individuals from producing distilled spirits at home, so only use this recipe for reference purposes.
Unless, of course, it is the end of the world as we know it and the Federal government is not functioning. This is a great skill to know and master for a SHTF situation as alcohol could be used for barter, and entertainment.
How To Make Delicious Banana Bourbon