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Off Grid Mistakes you Can Avoid

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The idea of living off the grid is a dream to many Americans. It’s the idea of throwing away the life of total convenience.

Of course, there are a number of hurdles the average person will face. In a way its akin to opening a business.

You have to invest in this new lifestyle and there is a serious change that you might fail horribly.

The idea of living off the grid is a dream to many Americans.

There are a number of mistakes that you can make when you are making the jump from our normal life to the off-grid lifestyle.

This is one of the reasons most people only dream about this lifestyle and don’t pull the trigger.

It’s hard to begrudge them because there are tons of mistakes that can be made. Let’s look at some of those gigantic mistakes that can be made and how to avoid them.

Alternate Power Sources

Off-grid power often involves things like solar and wind power.

It’s easy for you to choose one over the other but you really want to have access to as many off-grid power sources as possible. So don’t make the mistake of isolating your power needs.


You might not have the confidence in yourself to take on the task of DIYing and off-grid homestead.

However, you are going to have to learn these skills if you plan on living off the grid. Otherwise, you are going to pay out the nose for specialty contractors to bail you out.


Great advice for those who are living off the grid is to collect as much water you can and store it.

Even if you have a creek on your property or other means of water storage invest in a large cistern or some other massive means of collecting water.

Lifestyle Reduction

Many people make the mistake of not changing their lifestyle needs.

You are going to need to think about things like power consumption and how you use resources. The whole point of this thing is lifestyle reduction.

The idea of living off the grid is a dream to many Americans.