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Turning Your Garage Into a Storage Space for Survival

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Although the conspiracy theory of the Doomsday back in 2012 is long over, people are still thinking of how they can make use of areas in their homes for emergency storage space for survival. What better use for our messy garage than a storage space for survival!

Key Steps on Turning Your Garage into A Storage Space for Survival - You should not think of this as a chore but as something that you and your family can make use it in the future. You might face challenges along the way, but it always pays off to be prepared.

In reality, there are multiple severe threats to households. These could be typhoons, earthquakes, hurricanes, or just about any natural phenomenon or man-made disaster.

These threats can happen anytime and without a warning. As a result, we should prepare ourselves and our family for these types of SHTF scenarios.

So, after convincing your family that having a storage space is a good idea, you decided that your garage is the perfect space for this purpose. Now you just need to follow these tips to turn your garage into a storage space for survival.

What Should I Do With the Garage?

Before anything else, your priority should be the framework of your garage. For you to be guided in this process, you might want to look into these tips:


Brackets and straps can be tied together as one way of fortifying your garage. You can also add metal brackets from roof trusses down to the base of the garage.

Brackets can be attached to secure the foundation of this areayou want to be prepared in times of the most severe disaster, right?

The most important thing to remember in this process is to ensure that all partsfrom the roof down to its foundationare connected by a load path.

Windows and Doors

These openings can be protected by applying a plywood shutter which should be cut ahead of time and stored on shelves inside the garage.

Everyone in the family should be aware of where this is located so when in times of need, it will be easier to identify and to install.

Garage Door

If you do not have a garage door built for high-wind resistance, a brace made of a vertical support, and a horizontal plumber should be installed. You can get this done professionally, or you can purchase the materials from your local hardware store.

Tips for Turning Your Garage Into a Storage Space for Survival

And now that you have addressed issues with your garage’s structure, it is now time for you to slowly pile up the area with supplies that you and your family might need when an emergency arises.

No worries if you do not know where and how to start, these tips are just for you:

1. Take Your Time

Unless there is already news of upcoming disasters, you can take your time in purchasing whatever supplies you might need.

You do not need to rush into buying anything as they can lead to complacency and probably, will turn your supplies into a waste. You can purchase 3 or 4 cans of goods from the supermarket during your weekly grocery trip but only do this at your own pace.

2. Use Your Money Wisely

Do not use the reason of an emergency supply for you to spend more than what in your budget.

Before you visit your local supermarket, plan out what you will purchase, make a list, and stick to it. Coupons and wholesale discounts are useful during this time.

3. Stick to the Basics

Keep a list of what your family eats on a daily basis and use this whenever you shop for supplies. This can also help you decide on what to purchase first.

Canned goods should be a staple in your storage along with milk and water. You can start supplying a gallon of water per person every day.

4. Optimize Your Storage Space

Since you have fixed your garage to make it suitable to become storage space, maximize it.

You can compartmentalize and add additional cupboards or shelves if needed. There are countless DIY sites for you on how to make use of spaces, especially inside the garage, so make use of this resource.

Being prepared will allow you to do projects on your own timeand build valuable skills along the way.

5. Keep Track of Your Supplies

Once your supplies have increased in number, it will be difficult to keep track of what you have purchased and when will it expire. For this one, you might want to use a notebook or spreadsheet to keep track of the lifespan of your supplies.

This might seem a very tedious task, but without this, all of your efforts in storing goods for your family might become a waste. When you are doing this, it will be easier for you to replenish goods that are running low in your inventory.


Having storage space and filling it up with essential supplies might be a task that could take years to fully prepare, but having one is very rewarding.

You should not think of this as a chore but as something that you and your family can make use it in the future. You might face challenges along the way, but it always pays off to be prepared.

Key Steps on Turning Your Garage into A Storage Space for Survival - You should not think of this as a chore but as something that you and your family can make use it in the future. You might face challenges along the way, but it always pays off to be prepared.